Job Search Skills

A complete set of employment tools for job seekers in California:
Listings, resumes, education, training, and labor market information.
Job Search Skills
When you’re searching for a job, it’s helpful to keep an open mind and use different methods to stay motivated, keep organized, and follow up with potential employers. These tutorials can help.
Online Job Searching: These tutorials cover methods for searching online classified sites, job search sites, company sites, and staying safe from scams.
This tutorial teaches the most effective strategies for networking and searching for a job online, including using social media sites.
Job Search Sites : Job listings from state employment agencies and from private employers. Formerly America’s Job Bank, affiliated with the Department of Labor.
CalJOBS : Lists job openings in California. : Find public sector jobs in California. : A search engine that gathers and lists results from thousands of web sites, with coverage in over 90 countries. : Nationwide job newspaper ads. : Extensive directory of links to reference resources for careers and education, sorted by topic and region. : It serves job seekers, businesses, students, and career advisers with a variety of free online tools, information and resources. : Focuses on Fresno County and the north San Joaquin Valley. : A classified job advertising website, with sections devoted to goods and services. : Number one site for educational jobs. : Agricultural positions around the US and the world. : A government sector recruitment site.
Indeed : Searches job sites, newspapers, associations and company career pages.
JobBank USA : Nationwide job postings. : Searches jobs on company sites from small, mid-sized, and large company career sections. Postings update whenever the company web site is updated. : Monster is your source for jobs and career opportunities, along with career, hiring and recruiting advice. : Find employment in the Food Service Industry. : Searches thousands of job boards, classifieds, and company sites. Also search by of job, type of company, keywords, locations, and date job posted. : Search for hourly and part-time jobs.
USA Jobs : Your one-stop source for Federal jobs and employment information. : Search for jobs in your area with this site.
Link to Major Fresno employers
Warning: Be careful of online job postings that sound “too good to be true.” There are many job scams that must be avoided. Do some research about the company, and check with the Better Business Bureau before applying.
Generously supported by:
This project was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.