Help Bentley

Pit Stop 2:
My FCPL ---How can Bentley use this link? He can access his account, the library catalog, the kids’ page, the teen page, and the seniors page.

Pit Stop 3:
My account: What does Bentley need to continue along this path? (library card & pin #). Once he gets through, what treats are waiting for him (check out items, holds, fines/blocks)?

Pit Stop 4:
Bentley can search the Fresno County Public Library Catalog: in many different ways—by title, author, subject and/or keyword. When subject browsing for job-related materials, it may be helpful to type in these keywords: Resume, Cover Letters, & Interviews, Career development, Employee Motivation, Quality of Work Life- Psychological Aspects
Generously supported by:
This project was supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.